Monday, June 27, 2011

The Proust Questionnaire

What is your greatest strength or virtue? My Personality!
The quality you most like in a man? Their personality 
The quality you most like in a woman? Their Personality
What do you most value in your friends? Their realness,Their personality,& how they treat others!
What is your principle defect?Idk!
What is your favorite thing to do? Hangout!
What is your dream of happiness? To be a Pediatrician! & have a family!
What to your mind would be the greatest of misfortunes? Losing my Grandmother
What would you like to be? A Pediatrician!
In what country would you like to live? United States
What is your favorite color? Purple
What is your favorite flower? Dandelion
What is your favorite bird? A Parrot
Who are your favorite writers? Barbra Park & Zane
Who are your favorite actors? Taraji P. Henson
Who is your favorite fictional hero? None!
Who is your favorite heroine?None!
Who are your favorite musicians? Chris Brown & Fantasia
Who are your favorite painters?None
Who are your heroes in real life?Mommy& Grandmother
Who are your favorite heroines of history? Idk!
What are your favorite names? Desarae Ajee Henson
What is it you most dislike? When people Tap On Me!
What historical figures do you most despise? Slavery!
What event in military history do you most admire?Idk!
What social reform do you most admire?None
What natural gift would you most like to possess? Singing
How would you like to die? In My Sleep!
What is your present state of mind? JUST BEING HAPPY!!!!
What is your motto? "LOL"

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